Strong foaming detergent with unique cleaning proper??es.
UCOFOAM ONE is a highly concentrated detergent with unique foaming and cleaning proper??es,
suitable for the removal of the typical soiling found in pig, poultry and ca??le farming.
The has been specifically formulated to:
- have long contact ??me, even on ver??cal surfaces
- efficiently clean of organic soiling such as fat, protein, manure, feed residues, urine,…
- to be safe for surfaces encountered in animal housing.
- To be economical in use.
Remove manure with high pressure water.
Apply UCOFOAM ONE with standard foaming equipment and cold water at 0.5 – 2.0%, depending on
degree of soiling.
Rinse off with water.
Storage and disposal
Store only in the original container in a cool, well-ventalated place. Keep the container closed when
not in use. Dispose of safely in accordance with local/natonal regulations.
Safety instructions for the user
Keep out of reach of children. Minimize the risk of eye contact.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Consult a doctor if pain, blinking
or redness persists.